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The Power of Partnerships

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” -Henry Ford
July 17, 2021
The power of partnership

We believe in the power of partnerships because together we can achieve so much more than working individually. With that in mind, the Florida Beverage Association (FBA) identifies organizations and programs that we can partner with to help spread our message and support our sustainability strategic goals.

One such partnership is with Keep Florida Beautiful (KFB). As an affiliate of Keep America Beautiful (KAB), KFB works with over 40 county and city affiliates in our state to organize clean-up events and provide education programs. KFB and KAB work together to educate the public on the benefits of recycling and the importance of litter prevention, reduction, and removal as related to protecting and preserving Florida’s natural environment.

As one of the largest volunteer-based community action and education organizations in Florida, partnering with KFB was a natural opportunity to support our sustainability initiatives.

Through our partnership, FBA has been able to provide grants to KAB Affiliates in Florida to support many of its programs such as litter prevention, recycling, community beautification and environmental education.

Over the years, we have seen the impact and the power KFB has in our state. One particular program that has had a wide-scale impact in our state is the DRIVE IT HOME – Keep Our Paradise Litter-Free campaign which seeks to raise awareness and educate the motoring public on litter prevention. Through this one program, affiliates across the state were able to organize 5,493 clean-ups in one year alone.

Another major focus of Keep Florida Beautiful is recycling. This one is also near and dear to our hearts and the perfect avenue to partner on education and awareness. In fact, KFB offers a downloadable checklist on their website to help you learn how to recycle the right way. You can download it at keepfloridabeautiful.org/wp-content/uploads/KFBRecyclingChecklist.pdf .

When asked about our partnership, Savanna Christy, Executive Director of Keep Florida Beautiful states, “It takes a village and everyone should have a seat at the table when it comes to keeping Florida beautiful. FBA and its members are committed to preserving Florida’s environment and natural beauty – just like KFB. The sustainability grants offered through FBA as well as its mission centered around increased recycling and the ‘’every bottle back” initiative ties right into the work of KFB and the Florida Affiliates.”

Want to know more about you can help us with our initiatives to help protect and keep our state’s environment beautiful?

Here are three ways you too can partner with Keep Florida Beautiful:

  • Volunteer – find your local KFB affiliate and reach out to volunteer. View a map of Florida Affiliates here.
  • Share – follow KFB on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and help share what they are doing and how others can get involved.
  • Support – KFB relies on donations and corporate partnerships to support their initiatives. You can even go to AmazonSmile and select Keep Florida Beautiful to receive a donation based on your purchases. Check out these opportunities here.

The most important thing you can do is be an active part of our community. Dispose of waste properly when at our parks, beaches, or driving. Recycle what you can, when you can. And, encourage others to do the same.

As Henry Ford said, “working together is success”.

For more information on Keep Florida Beautiful, visit https://keepfloridabeautiful.org

For more information on the Florida Beverage Association, visit https://flabev.org