How to “Fall” into Healthy Hydration Habits!

How to “Fall” into Healthy Hydration Habits!

Summer is coming to a close and here in Florida, we look forward to the cooler days that will eventually greet us in the coming months. Along with the excitement of school and the upcoming holidays, parents are faced with packed calendars of events and activities. The...
Seabin Project Check-in!

Seabin Project Check-in!

With the midway point of the year breezing by, we thought it would be the perfect opportunity to check in on one of our FBA Community Grant projects ―Florida Seabins. We were thrilled to be able to provide a grant to the University of Florida (UF)/Institute of Food...
The Power of Partnerships

The Power of Partnerships

We believe in the power of partnerships because together we can achieve so much more than working individually. With that in mind, the Florida Beverage Association (FBA) identifies organizations and programs that we can partner with to help spread our message and...
It’s Summertime and Hydrating is Easy!

It’s Summertime and Hydrating is Easy!

We have all been waiting for summer to arrive for so many reasons. Whether it is the kids being out of school or taking that vacation you have been dreaming of for the past year, the fact that summer is here is something to celebrate. But here in Florida, summer also...
What Are We Without Water?

What Are We Without Water?

“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.” – Loren Eiseley As we all know, water is an essential element for life here on Earth. From plants to humans, we all require water to maintain our health and life. But we are in the midst of a global water...