Looking for Balance in All the Wrong Places
It often feels like “balance” is the one thing we are always looking for and yet never seem to find. Between keeping up with work and our loved ones, the idea of keeping up with being healthy is something we aspire to but often feel we just cannot achieve.
Eat healthy. Work out. Get enough rest. It all can seem too complicated. We just want easy answers and guidance to help us get started.
But what if one of the most complex elements of eating healthy to maintain balance was simplified?
That is where the Clear on Calories Initiative comes into play. The idea is simple, a uniform calorie label on all of your beverage products to help you clearly identify and know the number of calories in a product.
Why is this so important? Because knowing what is in the product you are consuming is a great place to start when aiming to have a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
And why is this important to overall balance? Because taking care of ourselves is the foundation that enables us to do all the other things we need to do.
Knowing the calorie count is just the first step, but an important one. The next is to look at how you “balance” your caloric intake with “getting moving”.
America’s beverage companies – Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper and Pepsi have come together through the Balance Calorie Initiative to focus on helping you “balance what you eat, drink, and do.”
One of our major goals is to help reduce calories consumed per person by 20% by 2025. We have made an industry-wide commitment to:
- Cut Sugar in the American Diet
- Support Communities
- Introduce More Choices, including choices with fewer calories, and smaller portion sizes
To support this initiative, we are partnering with communities across the united states, working with mayors and using a “test and learn” approach
What can you do?
Get informed. Visit our website at https://www.balanceus.org where we provide great videos on our initiative as well as tips to help you get started.
Make a plan. Make a list of the products that best suit your lifestyle and goals. Schedule 2 to 3 times a week to get you and your family moving and keep it simple. A 15-minute walk in your neighborhood is a great way to start.
Share. Get on social media and share what you are doing and tag the initiative #clearoncalories #balancecalories. One of the greatest ways to support your community is by sharing your ideas on how you are finding balance with your family.
Looking for more information or are you a business looking to partner with us? Visit us at flabev.org.
Together we can help get our country moving and find balance in the right places.
Tags: Blog