Sips of Sunshine

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Sips of Sunshine Blog

Are You Ready to Join Our Sustainability Crew and Get the Bottles Back?

“There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.” ~ Marshall McLuhan

Every Bottle Back OrgSustainability. What really is sustainability? At its core, the word refers to “meeting our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” And this goes beyond just environment. In fact, sustainability actually focuses on three significant pillars: society, economy, and environment. Why? Because it is all about balance. The balance that ensures we create programs and initiatives that can have real and lasting impact while still providing the services and products we rely on.

One example of an initiative that is doing just that is “Every Bottle Back.”  This initiative is a partnership of America’s leading beverage companies to not only produce 100% recyclable bottles, but to take it the needed step further to ensure those bottles end up exactly where they need to, in recycling bins, and not in our oceans or landfills.

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Sustainability Partners

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